I left off last Saturday with a friend dropping in - and this is really a typical snapshot of Newfoundland. So let me back up. My colleague Myles Vardy was a mechanic and welder before entering ministry, and had already offered to see if he could repair that big piece of plastic which fell off my car. Saturday morning, a message - couldn’t find the house on Friday. So After emailing directions, I thought “I bet anything he’s going to come on his way back from skiing.” So, got dressed, made the bed, vacuumed, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, and then sat down to finish the sermon. Got up to go put my face on, and the doorbell rang....good thing I’d got dressed! He “could probably fix the car”. I’d made an appointment for Monday with the garage, I said. “I could take the car to his garage”- because he didn’t want me getting soaked by some unscrupulous repair shop just to put a plastic piece back on. Well, maybe I am too much of a worry wart, but I had visions of the jack buckling and him being flattened by my car - something for which I could never forgive myself. Don’t want to maim - or worse - lose a good friend and colleague only four short months into this ministry! I also have these same worries whenever Norio or my sons get under a car....nothing ever happens, but there it is. A worry wart....
But, this is *such* a typical Newfoundland story. People grew up here in tiny and remote communities where everyone just naturally helped everyone else. By and large, that hasn’t changed. If someone can do something for you they will. It’s just the way - and it’s one of the things I love about Newfoundland and living here.
Remember I also said it would probably be a good idea do my face and be dressed even when home larking about???? Note to self: first thing up in the morning, face goes on. While I don’t look bad for 65, there is a heck of a lot to be said for makeup.
Sunday news: “Flat Stanley” is coming to one of my parishioners - so we’re going to take him around Corner Brook and take pics. Stay tuned!!!!! Boy, photo op with Leif the Lucky, and now Flat Stanley!
Monday the car went in to the “car doctor”. I have been lucky to find a really good place to take the car, - well, they were recommended by several people, I didn’t find them myself. Left the car, and Nancy, our church administrator, picked me up as it’s right on the way to the church. Morning in the office cleaning up the desk, and starting to set up the new computer. We wonder if I might be able to use the tower from the old computer with a little upgrading and a new monitor....but I think probably not without a fair bit of upgrading...not worth it.
Then, back to the car doctor, to find that they repaired the piece and reattached it to the car, and charged $46.50 parts and labour. Just a couple of minutes from there, is a member of the congregation who just turned 90 - had a broken hip and just got home from hospital. That’s the next stop. I know she wanted a longer visit, but she’s just tired enough yet that I didn’t want to wear her out. That’s one which will need regular visits. She’s lived in that house for 65 years! Worked in Toronto for awhile, then back to Corner Brook to raise a family. Amazing!
Tuesday morning, for some reason I am awake *before* the crack of dawn - as in 6 am. The alarm is set for 6:30, as I am meeting friends for breakfast at St. John the Evangelist downtown; breakfast to raise funds to support the homeless. I whip to the office with Sunday’s bulletin all done and some music for Sunday, then downtown again by 7:15. Wait close to 15 minutes, friends don’t arrive so I decide to go in and start. Sure enough, just as I sit down to eat, they come in. Great breakfast of pancakes and sausages, juice, coffee and yogurt for $5.00. At 7: 3o there aren’t many people there - by the time we leave at 8:30 the place is packed. Good to see.
Then we are on up to the Pepsi Centre to walk the track - I do 5 km, which is not bad considering I am normally not even conscious at that time of the morning.
Corner Brook weather never ceases to amaze - it’s been warm and raining, water flowing down the hill streets in sheets and rivulets. As I arrive home, snow is starting, alternating with sunny periods....but spring is in the air, and there were patches of green grass in one or two places.
Well, this was supposed to be a “reading week” to prepare services for the Lent-Easter season, since Norio and I are off on a trip. Coincidentally I have a sore tonsil and stuffy nose, so staying in by the fire is a good idea. The warm weather has disappeared, and it’s now decidedly brisk outside again. Wednesday and Thursday are really focused work days, with six services prepared. The only remaining ones are the Tuesday evening in Holy Week, and a joint Good Friday service.
Since we aren't doing an Ash Wednesday service here, I've decided to do ashes on Sunday morning. One problem - can't find my ashes. Dash to the Anglican Book Room. No ashes but they know that the priest has some left from last year. Run upstairs to his office, and yes indeed he does have ashes and is glad to share. Whew! One more thing out of the way.....and the breakfast to raise funds for homeless care here in Corner Brook fed more than 400 people. I am sure some people popped in more than $5, so they have done really well. Once again, I am amazed by how people just turn out to support any of these things - no matter when or where.
Saturday: temps make it up to the double digits and it’s really warm and beautiful. Water once again rolling down the streets, and a good half the snow is gone. First stop is the jewellers. Five years ago my gold wedding ring had to be cut off for surgery, and I just never got around to getting it resized. There is also a diamond ring Norio bought in 1973 in Viet Nam, which a couple of years ago went through the washing machine in the pocket of the housecoat of Yrs. Truly. Diamond was fine but the setting got flattened and cracked. So the wedding ring is being resized, and the diamond set in gold to match; the other setting will have a moonstone put in. Then it’s up to Wal Mart for a photo for international driver’s licence, which requires passport quality photos. Well, these are passport quality all right! They turn out so bad they are scary....look like someone just released from prison, and no I won’t put them out here!!!!!
The afternoon is spe
Way back I remember saying I’d get a photo of a beautiful cat with big blue eyes - remembered to do that. So the cat's photo opens this week - he is a gorgeous big boy.
...oh yes! Flat Stanley, who is visiting Donna this week. He’ll be in church tomorrow, and we’ll be sure to get a pic of Stanley there.
So ends Week 16.....
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