Looking over the blog, I realise the numbering got mixed up....so that’s been fixed and *this* is really Week 15.
Saturday morning when this left off, the wonderful weather in the Maritimes had gone from pouring rain to a driving blizzard in five minutes flat. The breakfast at First United which has been on my schedule, is no longer on the schedule - not even trying to drive in that weather. Oh, they went ahead, and 100 hardy people came out, but there are some things I am not going to try, and one is getting back up this hill. Good thing too, as the plow came around and left a pile of mushy wet snow which immediately froze solid. Discretion being the better part of driving, I decide to stay in for the day.
One of the last Winter Carnival activities, “Shave for the Brave”, a fundraiser for young women with cancer, is rescheduled from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. Of course, Humber United has its Annual Congregational meeting after church, so although one of my congregation is brave enough to shave, I can’t get there.
Excellent morning service, although a smaller group than the week before. Some are more than likely snowed in again - it’s the way things are here. Nevertheless, an enthusiastic crowd who stay for a great potluck and the Annual Meeting. It’s also a great meeting, some of the key vacancies filled, and predictions of a good year.
However, I am exhausted after the day, and fade off to bed by 9:30.
So Monday is a
So it’s a day of shopping, errands, and then home to do some work. Still getting used to a system where the choir rehearses on Tuesday and the administrator isn’t in Friday - so bulletin has to be done early in the week.
Since Monday was a provincial holiday, I was told to take Tuesday off. I did :-) - and it was a good thing because it was a terrible day. Nice day to be in by the fire.
Good news!!! The church authorised funds to buy a new computer - and on Wednesday we bought one. It sits in the office now - waiting to be assembled and booted. Wireless internet access in the office - finally! There will be a “passing out” ceremony for the old dinosaur, a good burial, and Humber United will enter the 21st century - there will even be a website.
So Thursday turns out to be another one of those snowy stormy days. The plow comes by twice, so that when it’s time to go out for Session meeting, th
Coming back home, more shovelling and clearing. I get the driveway nicely done, good smooth surface, no lumps or bumps. Turn to back in, whip the car around, and ....
Oh (thinks Yrs. Truly) that big chunk of ice finally fell off. Get out to look and THERE’S A WHOLE PIECE OF THE CAR LYING THERE!!!! Oh goodie! Now, I am ‘au courant’ with cars enough to know that this is not a critical piece of car, in terms of daily functioning. Nevertheless, it’s pretty obvious that driving through the sand/salt/snow mush on the road for a long period would not be good, either.
Meanwhile, I’ve made an appointment for Friday evening with an
This is Newfoundland and I already have great
World Day of Prayer service was well attended, with a good choir of women. My colleague, Myles, did a quick pinch-hit, since the requested speaker apparently never got back to the organisers at all. Nevertheless, it’s a good service and good sermon.
...and so it’s Saturday again. House is clean, sermon is done by noon (well, mainly because I recycled one), a friend drops in - and the afternoon is done.
So ends week 15 -
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